Frank Lloyd Wright - Architect 1867 - 1959
Falling Water 1935 Pennsylvania
photo from Galen Frysinger photo archive via Desire to Inspire
I found this wonderful blog by Melanie who lives in France and has a shop in Provence "LE PETIT CABINET DE CURIOSITES" I love all things French and I was fortunate to have studied Architecture in Paris and Interior Design at Le musée des Arts décoratifs through the Parsons School of Design. However you will have to bear with me on the translations, as my French is a little rusty. I was captivated by the charm of Milani's shop and the pink caught my eye as I have been seeing this color becoming quite popular in North American Interior Design. But in France it has always been in Vogue, particularly since the reign of Louis XIV and his wife Marie Antoinette. Milani's father is an Upholster Extraordinaire. In France it is a noble profession and one that requires schooling and proper apprenticeship under a master. I will do a further posting on Melanie's Father's work which is quite incredible. The entry to the shop - L'entrée de mon magasin en étage. I love the pink stairs and the geometric design in the floor tile. Notice the brass ball finial on the balustrade.
After I had done this posting I got this lovely gift from Melanie:
Paul is a dear friend of mine and an exceptionally talented Fine Art Photographer living in heaven - Santa Fe, NM. He works with digital and alternative processes. The first image is a "hand-etched SX-70 Polaroid image". I have no idea how he does it, but I think the technique is pretty amazing. It is so technicolor and very dreamy. I love your work Paul. See more of his photographs here & here Secret Temple Garden
Untitled This picture leaves me speechless (I guess that's why it's Untitled) New Mexico Sky
Dome of the Rock - This is an SX-70 Polaroid image of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
Coutts Night Life of Han Xi Zai
The Chinoiseries Collection is a beautiful series of hand-painted wallpaper designs based on classical Chinese themes including floral and nature scenes which were traditionally used on screens and other decorative objects in China.The style of painting done today is in the same historical style that was used on the original wallpaper that was so popular in Europe starting in the late 17th Century, when these wallpapers were first exported from China.
Wisteria Rose Garden/Ground silk
Calloway Garden
Fang Kuai Papers
When paper was first used for wallpaper, large sheets of paper were not yet available, so small pieces were joined together to create larger panels that could be painted with scenes and used as wallpaper. Paul Montgomery has re-created this antique effect by joining small pieces of paper together in the exact method once used, showing the overlap and lines of each hand-laid piece.
Raoul Textiles is an exclusive fabric line that is carried at the Chicago Merchandise Mart in the George Smith showroom. I want to bring it to everyone's attention because it is a very beautifully designed fabric line.
It is hand-printed on a very fine Belgian linen in Santa Barbara, California. I wish you could touch these fabrics and feel the beautiful hand they have. I love the freshness of the colors and the movement in the designs, and the fact that it is printed by hand and made locally rather than abroad. I am all for supporting local artisans. My motto is that I always try to source my products locally to begin with, then I will go further afield if necessary. Emma Jane Pilkington House and Garden
above fabric on chair backs
Drapery fabric Raoul "Miranda" Domino Magazine Oct 2006
A video of my art and art installations. I hope you enjoy it. "There is so much beauty everywhere I look. My desire is to capture ...
5 Interior Design Blogs We Couldn't Live Without This cleanly designed and beautifully photographed blog is the creation of a generous interior designer. Vancouver based Patricia Gray shares her keen eye for style, takes us on trips around the world and points out the resources and materials that she enjoys using on a job. The later is particularly useful for interior designers. It's great to see a master designer work, to look at her resources as they appear in finished spaces, and get an analysis of why and how they function beautifully. You also get the bonus of a well-trained feng shui expert, layered on top of this interior designer, and you can better understand why Patricia's interiors exude calm, serenity, and strong flow.
Patricia Gray is an interior designer par excellence with a pedigree that would wow anyone. Her innovative design work has been featured all over the world, and in many different publications (including the renowned Architectural Digest). Patricia's warm style and originality have helped skyrocket her to the top of the interior design world, and her blog reflects this. Design 55 UK
I love your blog......and view it every morning with my coffee to start the day in a good way.
Margie Hennig, Zürich Switzerland
I cannot tell you how much i enjoy your blog, I really feel that it is the best in the blog world. Love your inspirations.
Francine Gardner / Art de Vivre New York
Patricia, as always, your blog lifts my spirits by seeing such lovely things and all of them presented so magnificently. Brava!
Diane Farris / Diane Farris Gallery Vancouver
Patricia, you give us aspects of the world that we might never see; ideas to inspire us, pictures that move us emotionally, a view to a kinder, more artistic world that lies within our reach. This must take time and energy, and I am most thankful for your blog. J Marie Goodwin Vancouver
You have one very nice blog bravo !!!
Greetz Patrick Desmet, Artist Belgium