
New and Hot Interior Design Books

"You are the same today that you are going to be five years from now except for two things:
the people with whom you associate and the books you read."  -- Charles Jones

Check out some of the new books on Interior Design below in the new Amazon Widget at the bottom of this post. I am a lover of books and images and I can hardly wait to receive a new batch of books hot off the press. I am most excited about Michael Taylor Interior Design which hasn't been released yet but is available for pre-order on Amazon. I have done a post on Michael Taylor's work, which you can read here: Michael Taylor - Good Design is Timeless.

The James Dean of decorators is how Diana Vreeland described West Coast designer Michael Taylor.

Michael Taylor: Interior Design

I was a student in Design School when the picture below of Michael Taylor's work was published in Architectural Digest . I was totally in awe of his work. Nothing had been done like this before. It was revolutionary and very fresh. I became totally mesmerized by all things "Michael Taylor".  He is still a big influence in my work.

Consistently denouncing the cluttered and pretentious, he had a simple ethos: "When you take things out, you must increase the size of what's left." This spawned the widely emulated California Look, which in the latter part of his career was characterized by oversize furniture and signature elements, including Yosemite slate and fossilized stone; plump geometric cushions; logs; wicker; and lots of mirrors, all against a muted backdrop of white on white or beige on beige.

This is a room Michael designed circa mid 1950's in Modesto, California

Syrie Maugham, the British decorator who helped create the all-white look popular in the 1920s, provided another source of inspiration to him which can be seen in the above picture of a living room Michael Taylor designed. "Schiaparelli sofa"



Taylor rivaled the legendary fashion editor Diana Vreeland in his use of maxims - "Red and green should never be seen!" was one of his favorites. "If in doubt, take it out!" was another. Taylor believed that white was the most efficient color for capturing natural light.


"I cannot live without books."
Thomas Jefferson

What books are you going to be reading??



Patricia Gray writes about Interior Design inspirations, emerging trends, and the world of Design. 
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  1. I LOVE that widget!!! I'm in love with widgets - they are too cool. what's new???

  2. Anonymous6/9/08

    I am reading "The Architecture of Happiness" by Alain de Botton which in turn has inspired me to reread "A Timeless Way of Building". Both highly recommended.

  3. Hi Ann
    Thanks for your comment. I have read the Architecture of Happiness (although it deserves another read). Thanks for the tip on
    A Timeless Way of Building – I will check it out.

  4. Hi Joni
    Glad you like the Widget...you should put one on your Blog.

  5. My design book library is already exploding but I will definately make room for some of the new ones coming out. Really enjoyed looking at Michael Taylors work - thanks. Tracey x

  6. That quote from Charles Jones is so true; I'm only noe realising that "the people with whom you associate" does indeed change, and quite often more often than in five years! And of course books have such an influence too.

  7. I will try and have a widget when I find the time, have to get myself organized first. I am a bookfreak, in culture and historical design and there are quite a lot of interesting books in my country, I think you should find them interesting, the tricky part will be to find some of them in English.
    All the best, Ingela

  8. Very cool widget! Thanks for the info on Michael Taylor. I'm dying for that book too!

  9. Thanks for the info. The widget is way too cool, I putting one in my blog.
    All the best

  10. Anonymous9/9/08

    The information is very useful for me as I'm going to redecorate my house and I'd like to take some of your ideas they are very helpful for me!!!

  11. thanks for the book list patricia... i will definitely check them out the next time i'm at chapters! btw - i'm back!


  12. Great post, I love his work! Thank you for the great list of books! I will definitely pre-order Michael Taylor's book!

  13. Love the book list!!! I cant wait to check them out;)

  14. Anonymous11/9/08

    Cara Patricia,

    True,books and people do change our souls. Thanks for sharing your readings and for your hint. Now I have a widget as well.
    It is a pity Scandinavian Interior Décor is not available in English. This is where blogging comes in. It is a super way of sharing/inspiring/spreading design. Baione, Ingrid

  15. Anything with French country interiors, and am looking forward to seeing what Domino comes out with. Great widget.

  16. Anonymous20/9/08

    Great article and some good recommendations!

    Home Staging Langley

  17. Anonymous25/9/08

    Michael Taylor is so talented & gifted! He has the most creative eye. Also, i really have to go pick up his book ive been meaning to get it then forgot all about it [thanks for reminding me]


  18. Anonymous6/10/08

    Thanks Patricia
    Have a good time

  19. Anonymous12/11/08

    I am a huge fan of Michael Taylor, too, and did a paper on him in design school. I'm kicking myself for not having written the book, but alas, school got in the way.

    I definitely like the widget, too, and am going to figure out how to add it to my new blog.


  20. Anonymous26/12/08

    I incorporate black line in ALL my paintings This is a gorgeous post!!! . I certainly back you up

  21. lovely selection of photos. the second pic is out of this world. i so love this interior style. classic yet modern without that cold, austere look.


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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