
Wine Spa Treatment

"Come! I am tasting the stars!"
  --Attributed by legend to Dom Pérignon (1638-1714)

Cabo San Lucas 2 021 
Outdoor Wine Spa Treatment cabana overlooking ocean  

I had my first wine spa massage today – it is the hottest new trend in the spa industry. Grapes, grape seeds and grape vines contain some of the nature’s most powerful antioxidants. The French have known the rejuvenation properties of grapes for centuries, and recent studies are showing that the French suffer less heart disease due to a regular intake which confirms that wine not only tastes good - it’s good for you on the inside, and now on the outside.  

To start off the wine spa massage treatment you arrive 45 – 60 minutes before your appointment for your ‘guided relaxation sequence’: 10 minutes in the steam room or sauna relaxation; pressurized rain shower cooling-off and rinsing; 10 minute Jacuzzi immersion; cold plunge immersion for blood pressure stabilizing; 15 minutes in the relaxation lounge. The “La Vin” Massage is a personalized anti-stress massage using the unique therapy of Chardonnay oil containing antioxidant grape seed extract oil. The Merlot massage claims to treat sunburn and extreme dehydrated skin. After the wine spa massage I was escorted to the relaxation lounge where the Wine Spa Sommelier had designed the perfect pairing between “Haute Signature” canapés, and a perfect glass of wine from Valle de Guadalupe. 

  Cabo San Lucas 2 004 image

Wine Spa Therapy Relaxation Lounge / Wine Spa Therapy Facility

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™


  1. Patricia, wine and massage, what could be better!

  2. This sounds like a very relaxing treatment which would lead to a nice nap in the sun (with sunscreen, of course!) and a good book.

  3. What a completely self indulgent, self absorbed way to spend one's precious time...where can I make a reservation?

  4. I could have used a Mother's Day gift of one of those...What an amazing experience!

  5. wine spa massage sounds great! have never taken one...but i prefer mud treatments. i think they detoxicate better than wine..

  6. Sounds great to me, l wish the other half would treat me, lol.xx

  7. wow..very nice decoration...

  8. Good content and useful information, also appealing pictures....

  9. Bryan18/6/10

    Hi Patricia,

    I really like the design of that wine spa therapy lounge. It looks very relaxing for the eyes and very clean. The ambiance of a spa/massage will really help to relax the mind of anyone who will go there and the wine also gives a perfect complement. In fact, wine is good for the health since you said in your blog that grapes have anti-oxidant properties.

    I hope one day I could go to Valle de Guadalupe with my sister. Maybe it can help her to relax her mind and body. Actually, her physical therapy (Dallas, Texas) session will be finished this August. I thank God that her recovery is very fast with the help of her doctor and her physical therapist (in Texas). After she finishes her therapy session, I want to treat her to a good place where she can relax well. Thanks for sharing your spa/massage experience.

  10. Very relaxing place. The decors are very neat and very cool. The surrounding is truly relaxing. I wish I can be there and relax.

  11. Thank you for writing such an appealing post. Normal I see the same thing and it starts to get on my nerves. Thanks again and I’ll be back for more.
    Interior Designer New York

  12. Hi Patricia,
    wow.. you have a modern spa. Very luxury lounge. It's look good for relaxation. In Bali we have a traditional spa massage with traditional natural herb scrubs.

  13. Wine Spa are the most luxurious treatment, it generates the whole body structure and gives you fresh relaxant, most of the people loves to enjoy these therapies on their vacations.


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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