
Welcome to the Hotel California

Yesterday I set off to visit the legendary Hotel California in Todos Santos, Mexico.  The Eagles made this song famous in the 70’s|(listen to it here on YouTube as performed at the 2007 Grammys.)  According to the locals - Todos Santos was a town that the Vietnam draft dodgers escaped to in the late 60’s.  When communicating with home they would discreetly say they were staying at ‘The Hotel California’, hence the words of the song:

“We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device……
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave……”

The drive to Todos Santos from my Hotel (on the Los Cabos Beach corridor) is approximately 1 hour, on the two lane Highway 19.  I bravely rented a car for the day and set off on my adventure only to get lost before I left Cabo San Lucas.  It turned to to be an interesting diversion, as I got to see the area of town where the locals live, which I might not have seen otherwise. Back on Highway 19, which is undergoing construction, the speed limit is posted at 60 km per hour or 80 km per hour.  I soon found out that was only a ‘suggested’ speed limit, as I had huge semi transport trucks right on my bumper and passing me on this narrow highway on a solid yellow line.  Once I sped up to the going speed of 110 – 120 kms per hour I fit in nicely.

There were two stops that my Mexican Personal Assistant told me that I had to stop at:  Art & Beer for their famous drinks & decor,  and Miguel’s for authentic Mexican food.  Visiting the Hotel California was the anti-climax of the trip as it was very touristy, but the Pina Colada and appetizers at Art and Beer, and the Chili Reno at Miguel’s were unforgettable.

Cabo San Lucas 2 047

The bartender at Art and Beer making his famous Clamato drink (above.)  It has 17 ingredients and could constitute a entire meal.  These are the ingredients, if you want to give it a try: Tomato juice, orange juice, worchester sauce, soya sauce, lime juice, hot sauce. wasabi, dijon, horseradish, oyster sauce, small scallops, clams, cracked shrimp, celery, celery salt, Vodka, ice. 

Pina Colada Cabo San Lucas 2 056
Me with my Pina Colada - it was sooooo good / Appetizers of squid & scallops and clams on the half shell

The Pina Colada was served in a pre-frozen half pineapple, with appetizers of fresh clams on the half shell, and a separate plate of baby squid and the smallest, tenderest scallops – both were topped with Mexican hot sauce.  In Mexico when you order a drink you automatically get something to eat with your drink.  This time I got a full meal with my Pina Colada.  The seafood was fresh caught locally that morning.

Cabo San Lucas 2 060

Cabo San Lucas 2 074
Art & Beer on Highway 19 – Todos Santos in distance
   Cabo San Lucas 2 053 Cabo San Lucas 2 046  
The seating area at Art & Beer / Umbrellas from drinks along with business cards placed on the posts throughout Art & Beer

    Cabo San Lucas 2 044 Cabo San Lucas 2 061 
You can lounge in hammocks while enjoying a Margarita 

  Cabo San Lucas 2 052 Cabo San Lucas 2 057
The view from Art & Beer towards the Sea of Cortez

 Cabo San Lucas 2 054 Cabo San Lucas 2 058
Cactus and Succulent at Art & Beer
Cabo San Lucas 2 078 Cabo San Lucas 2 091
Hotel California Todos Santos / Mannequin in lobby of Hotel California 

Cabo San Lucas 2 092Me and Miguel in his namesake restaurant – Todos Santos  

My final stop of the day before heading back was at Miguel’s Restaurant in Todos Santos to try one of his acclaimed Chili Reno’s.  Miguel and his wife started their restaurant 9 years ago with two tables and it has grown into a renowned establishment with recent press in the NY Times and LA Times.  The food is authentic Mexican – Miguel’s two sisters and aunt were cooking in the kitchen, and I was lucky to get to see my Chili Rellenos prepared. The decor is traditional with dirt floors and typical thatched roof.

Miguel's Chili Relleno
Fry the green chilies in a fry pan to brown the skins to make them easy to remove. Discard the seeds and pulp inside.  Dip the chilies into boiling water (to remove the hotness).  Stuff with cheese.  Beat up an egg white and dip the chili into and then coat with fine bread crumbs, fry until golden brown and the cheese inside melts.  Serve with rice and brown beans. 

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™


  1. This is all so beautiful! I so much would like to visit Mexico. Miguel's restaurant is fun!

  2. What a wonderful tour! I loved that song, but never new the meaning of it. Thank you so much for taking me along on your journey. The chili rellenos sound divine!! (not to mention the pina colada)

  3. Sounds like a true day to remember...

  4. Today I learned that Hotel California actually exists. Amazing!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. We love Todos Santos, it's a jewel on the Baja. I always stop on the way from our custom beach home design projects in Loreto Bay on the way to the Cape for shopping.

  6. Patricia!
    You are having such a great vacation! You look adorable and relaxed. Those bloddy mary's and that pina colada look yuuuuummmmmmyy!

  7. Audrey23/4/10

    Hi Patricia… What a holiday you are having. Your photos are wonderful, you look great and so do the drinks, food, people and dreamy picturesque scenery. Best regards Audrey

  8. Sonia25/4/10

    Thanks for the Clamato recipe...definitely going to try it on my Prince Edward Island husband and friends.
    We just came back from Ajiic, Mexico, and loved it there...you've inspired us to explore more Mexicana landscape.
    Mucho gracias!

  9. i am catching up on blog reads and i am soooo enjoying yours and living thru every moment... amazing... nice to seeing you enjoy yourself!!! xx

  10. Todos Santos is my favorite town in Baja. What a treat to read your post...I felt like I was there for a minute. :)

  11. The colors are amazing... so clear and eye popping. I love Mexico it's full of color and cool ocean breezes... Fay

  12. I had the mot wonderful time there. I love the road to get to this magic place .

  13. I love love love this post! Beautiful pictures and I've just learned something new about 'Hotel California's' history. Who knew!
    ps. your pina colada looks divine

  14. Looks like such a fantastic trip! I hope you returned inspired and rejuvenated! It gives me a hankering for my own vacation. Beautiful pictures. :)

  15. You are having such a great vacation! You look adorable and relaxed. Those bloody mary's and that pine colada look yummy!


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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