
Antoni Tapies Quote

My New Years wish to you.......
Antoni Tapies 1923-2012

Antoni Tapies 1923-2012

Antoni Tapies 1923-2012
PATRICIA GRAY INC is an award winning interior design firm in Vancouver. Here we write about lifestyle
and WHAT'S HOT in the world of interior design, architecture, art and travel.


  1. Well, all the best and hope all your wishes get fulfilled.

  2. A brilliant quote to start off the new year. Innovation, daring, the power to be different and recreate as per our unique experiences and perecptions of the world are all qualities which every designer of interiors, interior accessories and products should try and emulate for 2013. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Anonymous15/1/13

    Well said, and beautiful image!

  4. Possibility, optimism, and light! Love your use of light.
    And thank you for introducing us to the work of Tapies. His use of color and contrast is invigorating!

  5. You've really captured the fun in these. So dynamic. I really love the guy on stilts!

    Just found your blog and hope to see more great stuff from you this year!

  6. Great quote, plan to use it in a workshop this weekend, thanks

  7. Perfect quote! So many of us have become static in our daily activities, thoughts, and ideas!

  8. Nice blog, full of fantasy and optimism. I like
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  9. Very well said, your site is a great reference.

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  11. Very impressive

    I Like it :)

    by: JasaProyek.com

  12. Very nice quote!


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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