
Vancouver Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics start today, and as I am writing this I can hear the cheers from the crowds on the street outside my office and the hum of helicopters overhead. Exciting times. The city all a buzz and full of people from all over the world. I live and work downtown, so I will be able to walk to all the activities. I am sure a lot of you will be glued to your TV rooting for your Countries. This YouTube video is amazing. Sometimes I forget just how beautiful my city is.


  1. Wow....I mean, wow. Those fog images are amazing! What a fantastic reminder of the beauty you live in. If you like this, I would highly recommend the Planet Earth series that came out a few years ago. It is hours of jaw dropping beauty in this world.

  2. This is when I still lived in Seattle. The excitement must be heavy in the air and what a memory. Enjoy the thrill and have a lovely weekend. We're praying snow for Vancouver.

    Cheers ~ Deb

  3. It truly is beautiful. My husband and I lived in Vancouver our first year of marriage and it was a dream. We will always have a special place in our hearts for that amazing city!

  4. Yes, Vancouver is absolutely stunning...enjoy the Games! ox AJ

  5. Thanks for sharing this video - it reminded me of how beautiful and serene Vancouver is! I'll be visiting this beautiful city sometime this year!

  6. Yes, it is beautiful ............. how exciting for you!!! Enjoy.

  7. Hi Patricia:
    Thank you for showing this incredible video...it is so beautiful. I was glued to my television watching the opening, so very well done. It really did show China what can be achieved on a fraction of their budget!!!
    having been tagged for the Kreativ Blogger Award, I could not help but in turn nominating you. I cannot wait to read the seven things about yourself...and in turn as you are probably well aware of you need to nominate 7 bloggers.
    Best, francine

  8. I LOVE Vancouver and I'm so thrilled that the entire world can now see this gorgeous city that I've fallen in love with! You really live in a spectacular part of the world.

  9. A beautiful city indeed! What a fun time for you and your country.


  10. It really is fantastic to see so many people in our lovely city. I love seeing all the international news crews doing their thing, and hearing all the different accents.

  11. Patricia, you are in the right place! lucky you

  12. I love watching them on the TV... makes me regret never learning how to snowboard...

  13. Anonymous18/2/10

    Great blog.Nice post keep it going.Best regards

  14. looks amazing Vancouver, i might take a trip there myself. xx

  15. I love love lovee vancouver, i'm from there myself :)


  16. Absolutely breathtaking! I'm living outside of Canada right now and it makes me homesick to see this video. Thanks for posting.

  17. Beautiful shots, I hope to live in Vancouver one day!


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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