
Interview on All The Best

The following is an interview posted today on me by Ronda Carman on her fabulous Blog: All The Best Profile: Patricia Gray by Ronda Carman

I adore the words of Jan de Luz, "Style…isn’t something that you apply like hand cream. It comes from within, as an emanation from your own being.” Vancouver based interior designer Patricia Gray is the perfect case in point. For those of us who follow her blog, we are well versed in Patricia’s inimitable style. Her designs are both studied and precise, while being completely livable and inviting. It is one of the main reasons Patricia never fails to excite and inspire. As I have alluded to numerous times, my design tastes run the spectrum. Patricia’s timeless and classic designs, with an undeniable modern edge, are the perfect prescription for my neuroses. Patricia received her training at the Parson's School of Design in Paris. She is a member of the Inter-Society Color Council of New York, the National Council for Interior Design, the Interior Designers of Canada and a certified Feng-Shui practitioner. Patricia's portfolio includes feature projects throughout the US and Canada, as well as in Japan, Singapore and Africa. A few notable design clients include John Travolta and Rob Feenie.

How would you describe your design style?
I like furniture to have good lines, rooms to have good ‘bones',
juxtaposition of good antiques and artwork with modern design.

What inspires your creativity and designs? Travel, being around young people, the ocean and the desert.

What is your most prized possession? I don’t know if you could call her a ‘possession” but my 4 ½ pound Yorkshire Terrier, Nicole.

What is the one thing in life you cannot live without?
My cup of coffee in the morning.

Who are your style icons?
Interior Designers: Michael Taylor, Andree Putman, Antonio Citterio Fashion: Coco Chanel, Dianna Vreeland

Who would you most like to collaborate with on a project?
The great Albert Hadley.

What is your favorite luxury in life?
Travel. The best holiday I ever gave myself was a cruise from Rio to Barcelona.
10 days at sea crossing the Atlantic. It was the most relaxing time I have ever had. Nowhere to go, nothing to do….eat, sleep, eat some more.

What is your idea of earthly happiness? Clients that allow me be creative.

Past or present who has most influenced your direction in life?
My Mother for nurturing my creativity in childhood. My Father for teaching me good values: integrity, self reliance, and perseverance.

Who would you most like to meet and how would you spend the day? The dowager Queen Noor of Jordan. I have admired her for years from a TV interview with Larry King. Her style and humanitarianism left an indelible impression on me. However she would like to spend it!!

Profile by Ronda Carman
To see this interview in full visit All The Best and please leave a comment for Ronda.
Thank-you Ronda!!!
Photos by Roger Brooks

Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design,
architecture, and travel, as well as how your surroundings can influence the world around you.
© Patricia Gray Interior Design Blog, 2009


  1. I am thrilled to include you!!

  2. excellent and enlightening interview !


  3. Lovely interview...

  4. I love interviews like that. Snapshots of who the person really is.

    Quite lovely interview!

  5. what a lovely interview- love that you cited your parents as your biggest influences.


  6. Hi M 21
    It took me a lot of years to realize that my parents gave
    me a solid grounding in life. My mother has passed away, but I still talk to her every day, and my
    Dad thankfully is still with us and I treasure him more each day.

  7. Fun! Fun! I love learning about you Patricita.

    You are such an inspiration for me and I have to say that I feel very honored that I have the pleasure of knowing you.

    Congratulations! :)

  8. Congrats Patricia! This was a great interview and well-deserved recognition! I am happy for you! Tobi

  9. Lovely interview...Even lovelier work.

    I agree with M21 and found comfort in hearing your parents are your biggest influence...that is the ultimate complement. Will my teenagers say the same about me someday... time will tell. Thanks for giving me hope.

    Tricia - Avolli

  10. Congrats! I love her interview questions, they were fun! I Love Nicole too! She is adorable.

  11. You are the best. If there is a list you should be on it :)

  12. Every time I was reading All The Best I was wondering why you were not there...and Michelle is right...any list should include you and your style. Great answers also to the interview.
    Congratulations Patricia.

  13. Wow Patricia! Congrats on a very inspirational interview! And an even more personal look into you! Thanks for sharing it!

    Take Care!
    Zuniga Interiors

  14. you are truly an inspiration....thank you for sharing your amazing talent. x pam

  15. I just have to share this email I got from my blogging friend Tareq who writes the Blog - Qerat, after he read my interview:

    Dear Patricia

    Just yesterday and by pure chance Shaker my brother sent me this email with pictures of Queen Noor. !!!!
    And today i read on your interview that she is one of your favorite people. What a coincidence. I thought i would share them with a little story of mine.

    I had the privilege of meeting her several times (a handshake here and a quick hello there) but one time I was in Beirut attending a concert for Fairouz at the Beit el Deen Festival. This is an annual music festival they hold in a beautiful area called Beit el Deen which is named after the palace that is about 200 years old. Every year they have the best of the best in the music world perform there and I make it a point of traveling to attend Fairouz who is an Arab icon, I posted one of her Easter hymns on the blog. Anyway, one year, after a great concert which the queen was attending there was a reception held inside the historic palace to which I was invited and met her and spoke for like at least 15 minutes which I thought is very long given that there were many people that wanted to meet her. She was so down to earth and we spoke of Architecture, about Jordan, about being a student and things you would not think you would talk to a queen about. AND she was more beautiful than the pictures. she had this incredible inner glow.

    Hope you like the pictures



  16. Hi Tareq
    Thanks so much for sending me these pictures and telling me about your meeting with Queen Noor…maybe she will read my post
    And invite me for lunch…just kidding as that is a long shot.
    I love that you got to meet her and that your impression of her is much the same as mine eg. – her inner glow.
    Thanks for sharing.

  17. lanell29/4/09

    wow! that's impressive!

  18. I really enjoyed reading Ronda's interview with you :-) It's always fun to learn more about our fellow bloggers :-)

    Hope you get that invitation to lunch!!


  19. Inspiring! only one degree of sepraration Patricia!!!

    Tareq, you are the coolest!

  20. Nice to get to know you better!
    I'm sure Queen Noor's people will be calling your people.
    xo xo

  21. I so enjoyed reading your interview, Patricia... and I'm totally crazy about the rooms you've shared in this post, especially the kitchen... every element of the kitchen!! Most of all, I've enjoyed reading the comments left for you (especially Tareq's Queen Noor memory!!) because they reflect well deserved admiration for you!
    Victoria @ DesignTies

  22. fantastic modern, timeless designs and a great interview.

  23. Anonymous30/4/09

    a lovely and enlightening interview !

  24. Great interview, Patricia.
    As an interior designer, I love reading about other designers inspirations and design process, especially when it is an interview of someone whose work I admire as much as yours.


  25. Thanks for sharing these pieces of yourself with all of us. If your job is people we can only get better at being with them by hearing what they say.

  26. Patricia, great comments especially from Michelle, which I have to add shares the same one degree of separation. you might not get that ivitation from the Queen, but you have one from a humble subject which will include Michelle and one more person you both know :)

  27. Absolutely wonderful article. You must be soooo proud! Keep up the great work and blog, I look forward to reading all your next posts.

  28. Lanell12/5/09

    I came across one of your projects in the Architectural Digest December 2006 copy....Beautifully done and well deserving to be showcased in that prestigious magazine....I loved the turquoise color in the kitchen. So calm and serene, not like most kitchens, all cluttered and such nonsense in them....a really quality work.

    I have a question, if you'll bear with me; I noticed that on the wall in the kitchen with that lovely tile there were no outlets for appliances...where did you put them? Under the cabinets? Inside the drawers? Hidden behind the flower pot? Or on the wall out of the photo's reach? Really curious.


    Lanell Penrod

  29. Hi Lanell
    The electrical outlets are mounted in the underside of the upper cabinets. Good noticing on your part. It is one of my pet peeves to have a lovely backsplash and then to cut holes into it for receptacles.
    (You can see the pictures of this kitchen here )


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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