
Beige is Magic - Albert Hadley

"Beige is atmosphere. It's bisque, it's ivory, it's cream, it's stone, it's toast, it's cappuccino. It's, well, it's magic." Albert Hadley

Enjoy the slide show!!




Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design,
architecture, and travel, as well as how your surroundings can influence the world around you.
© Patricia Gray Interior Design Blog, 2009



  1. Great Post! And I love the format...how did you do that?

    Beige IS magic...and like white, I beleive takes some texture to make it work (visual or tactile).

    I forgot how much I loved Andrea Puttman...great images, I'll be saving them in the reference file!


  2. Dear Patricia,
    how necessary aren't the shades of beige for the interior décor....I also often find many tones of grey easy to add as well.

    Thank for your sweet comment, I might turn up one day even if it will take a while before so.

    All the best,

  3. I do love it. It is so rich in feel.

  4. Albert Hadley was the inspiration for my first house. From the book Parrish Hadley, there is a photo of a living room with Baker chaises, African art and black wood floors. I totally pilfered the whole look. I even bought the last two Baker chaises that were available before they were discontinued. I covered them in Kravet Linen Velvet in Beige, of course. I have never gotten tired of them, although now that I live on the border, my house is much much more colorful...but those chaises are still the same! He was such a talent!

  5. Anonymous30/1/09

    Stunning, thank you for sharing!

  6. Thank you for sharing this beautiful pics
    Have a great weekend!

  7. I just LOVE all of these rooms. This one's getting bookmarked.

    Also, you cracked me up because when I saw that wallpaper I was thinking "Oh I need to know who make it" and your title was "It's Gracie Studio Wallpaper." hahah I've been searching for semething just like this to do my file cabinets in!!! Thanks so much!!

  8. Ok, so I'm at the Gracie Studio site & am a little nervous about price...

  9. Anonymous30/1/09

    Cara Patricia,
    Refreshing! Lovely post. Beige and earthern colours - outstanding! May I pick a choice? The labrador and the checked beige/black carpet. Do you know the carpet's origin? I am looking for a carpet EXACTELY that pattern! What a coincidence! Bacione, Ingrid

  10. beige is magic! so is that pup!

    loved the slideshow : )

    xoxo, -paul

  11. It's nice to see beige celebrated. I am always weary when I hear people moan about beige. I think in the hands of a boring person, beige can be dreary, but so can any colour. In the hands of a master, or at least a thoughtful decorator, beige has a wonderful graceful, architectural, peaceful quality to it. It is my favorite colour for decorating, other than white. And if it's good enough for Michael Smith...(I love that one photo of his you've included- that is my favorite room of his).

    I just got the Hadley-Parish book from the library and must admit that there isn't much beige in it. Those two were VERY brave with colour. : )

  12. Beige is so serene...fabulous slideshow, the 3rd photo on the top row is precious. The pup has the right idea, rest!

    Great post and love this format!

  13. Anonymous31/1/09

    I sure loved reading/seeing this, Patricia! IMHO, NOTHING is boring if there is TERRIFFIC n' VARYING TEXTURE for the eye to peruse! Super-duper-blog, and super-duper DOG ~~~ THANK YOU for sharing so much joy & beauty! Warmly, Linda/"Mom of a German Shorthair" in AZ

  14. Love the widget! - Great collection of images, and overall I love the fact that you presented different shades of beige.

  15. Wow a slideshow that you put together with a widget? I love it, white and beige, everyone loves those colours! Hmmmm, a new one to figure out!

  16. Anonymous31/1/09

    serene, sumptuous, understated elegance, just what I love! great post :)

  17. Beautiful compilation of pictures of some of the best designers out there. I love beige in everything and because it can be tricky I love to see how different designers interpret it in ways that makes it come alive.

  18. Thnak you for sharing these beautiful photos. It is very inspiring

  19. oooh I love it I love it I love it....I so love Beige and White together.....it's calming, encompassing, relaxing, subdued...such a wonderful colour to live with ! Thanks so much !!!

  20. Great to read that inspirational quote about beige! I have to agree - no boring there!

  21. Bravo, Bravo, Patricia!!!

    You have such a beautiful website. What an amazing slideshow. Will have to alert my readers in case they haven't seen it.

  22. The beige decor pictures are really beautiful! The image slide show is fabulous too. Your blog is always a joy to visit. Bonnie :)

  23. You had me with the Lab, but the beiges, so soothing and precisely what I adore!
    xo Lidy

  24. Love the Lab, and she matches the decor!Priceless :o)

  25. My beige is "White Organdy" I love the way it puts up different shades as the light changes during the day and during the season! Plus Love that dog on the chair.


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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