
Hot or Not? Sarah Palin’s Alaskan Office Décor

Are Grizzly Bears and King Crabs going to be the new trend? I certainly hope not!!

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This image appeared in The New York Times, accompanying the story Sarah Heath Palin, an Outsider Who Charms.

November 5, 2008 Here are the statistics of the Poll


Patricia Gray writes about Interior Design inspirations, emerging trends, and the world of Design. While you're here, subscribe to this feed so you don't miss out.


  1. Anonymous11/9/08

    There are way too many things wrong with this picture...

  2. Anonymous11/9/08


  3. Anonymous11/9/08

    This photo always makes me cringe. The bear and crab aren't half as bad as her choice of footwear.

  4. I agree with Deborah...open toe?... how risk-ay...as for her office design...how does one make a snow crab work? LOL She seems to be both tough and feminine...a rare combo...waiting to see what happens there...

  5. The question is. Is she killed them both … in that case her quality would be: at least ,she doesn’t sell the bear Skeen before killing him, otherwise she would sit on a plain sofa like we all do . and she obviously get ride of the crab banquette to without a scratch !
    tough mummy hu! !

  6. Anonymous11/9/08

    First word to come to mind was "tacky," however, I think "unconscious" is more appropriate.

  7. is that baby oil on her legs? it's clashing with the crab. Yowza! awful all around

  8. Anonymous11/9/08

    If we prepare ourselves for the worst...maybe we could be pleasantly surprised!
    My comment would have been EWWW!! but takeyce used it already, so...I am speechless.
    Even if the picture was taken from "FreakingNews" (check it out) it is freaking just to think about her answering the phone at 2:00 AM (Oh wait...maybe the crab is a phone?)

  9. Cringe-worthy and downright offensive.

  10. ouch...
    definitely not my cup of tea

  11. Anonymous12/9/08

    ohhh look ... she forgot to add a dead wolf!!
    You know, that endangered species that she kills so that they don't complete the natural foodchain by eating the caribou that her hunter friends like to kill for sport! Ohhh....

  12. I wouldn't be so quick to judge. Design has a venacular language that gives local regions of the world uniqueness. Her office decor speaks of pride in Alaska's resources and pasttimes. It may not speak to surfers in California or euro chic trends in NYC, but those are not the intended audience. Plus if the source of the photo is the New York Times we know it was intended to be unflattering.

  13. Anonymous12/9/08

    Hot or not, I'd be pretty nervous if her finger were on the red button. Her decor would be the last of my concerns if she became VP and then president.

  14. Anonymous12/9/08

    Canada is looking more and more inviting should she get near the WH!

  15. Anonymous12/9/08

    The Fudos has left a new comment

    Is there anything right with this picture??? It is soooooo bad...not only does it expose her terrible taste or lack there of but it diminishes her as a woman. What male political figure would allow themselves to be photographed from that angle????

  16. She looks as if she should be wearing those Lucite stripper shoes. My humble apologies if I offended any strippers.

  17. vomitus. I don't care for hunters. sorry to those that disagree.

  18. Anonymous12/9/08

    When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke and someone had cut and pasted a moose behind her. So unnecessary and inappropriate.

  19. Anonymous13/9/08

    that is too much, don't you think?

  20. Anonymous13/9/08

    Having only recently read about Sarah Palin's propositions, whether they are genuine or not, It is obviously a deliberate and unflattering shot. The emphasis appears to be on the less than cuddly creatures.

  21. TOO MUCH ! I'm sorry I don't want to be nad but is she the queen of "mauvais gout "?

  22. Anonymous13/9/08

    charlie @ so lovely...

    it's a bear, not a moose.

  23. Anonymous13/9/08

    charlie @ so lovely - very witty. i think we all realize its not a moose.

  24. Anonymous13/9/08

    Not warm and fuzzy - this woman has ice running through her veins.

  25. I never though I could leave that kind of comment but I can not restrain myself : EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

  26. How does her stance of "pro life" make sense when you look at this picture? Pro-Life I guess is only for humans, but every other creature on earth better look out! Palin is hidin' in the bushes with a shotgun, and she's dyin' to prove what a man she is and obliterate you. Yee-haw.
    I'm sad.


  27. Anonymous14/9/08

    Wow, I can't believe that this woman is running for VP of the United States of America. What kind of a message is this sending out to the world and especially to our children. This woman advocates "No Choice" for women and she can pull a trigger and kill a beautiful animal. You would think that we are still living in the dark ages instead of the 21st Century. Another scary statistic is that 1 out of 3 Vice Presidents in history have gone on to become President.

  28. Well, at least she repeated the red color element of the crab with her shoes.

  29. horrendous decor and person

  30. I will not debate in politics, but this is not a lady of interior decoration, gives me a chill....

  31. Anonymous15/9/08

    It seems that McCain's choice of Palin is a desparate measure from a desparate man.

  32. With today's news of the "melting of Wall Street" perhaps those who felt separate by their wealth will feel enough pain to rethink the McCain/Palin ticket because with it comes more suffering and a real risk of the "Fall of America."

  33. Hate the office but she is groomed to within an inch of her life - look at those shiny legs! Tracey x

  34. Just read all the posts and I am appalled! You all are certainly not in the majority of those who feel Sarah Palin is a refreshing change from politics as usual! I love her! There is not one thing wrong with hunting and the many americans enjoy the sport. How can you compare the life of an innocent baby in the womb to an animal! That is beyond my understanding. What if your mother had aborted you because you were an inconvenience? GO SARAH GO!

  35. I agree with mimilee. You would shed a tear for a bear or a crab but not a baby? Good taste but poor values.

  36. Just Freaky !

    I agree with Dale - There is definately something really wrong with that picture.

  37. I have to agree with Mimilee. Just like other parts of our nation Alaska has it's own charm. Whether or not you like bear skin and crab or zebra stripes and leopard pots. True hunters aren't into hunting for the shameless killing of an animal. True hunters eat what they kill. Unless some of you are vegetarians you might just want to be careful and conscious of where your meat comes from.

  38. Anonymous16/9/08

    I don't want to appear ignorant, but do hunters eat Grizzly Bear?

  39. JUST checked out this photo and it is FAKE ....THe New York Times should be ashamed !!! To print such is so tabloidish!

    SARAH GO!!!

  40. Mimilee - please provide your source and link!

  41. I was told by a friend who knows about fauxtography and such ...that this definately was a fake just like the other ones that are out there as the one with Sarah in a US flag bikini toting a rifle. But I did some research and found that the bear rug is actually one that she proudly displays because her father bagged it. As for the Alaskan King Crab that is probably there to display game native to Alaska. Anyway, it wouldn't have mattered if she had killed the bear or not, it is just so many are trying desperately to bash her in the media. That is just politics as usual, I am afraid.

    My apologies for stating something as fact before I did the research myself.

    Go AMERICA!!

  42. It all looks crazy -- like a circus, but less fun, maybe?

    Mélanie put it so perfectly: "mauvais gout"

    Hope you're having a great week, Patricia.

  43. Hmmm..reminds me to apply for that work visa in Ireland

  44. Yuck. Wait til Keith Olbermann catches wind of this!!!!!!

  45. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Emphatically, no.

  46. The bear is just awful, the king crab makes me hungry.

  47. It's photoshopped!

  48. Anonymous19/9/08

    THIS IS A FAKE!!! Shame on the NY Times if they actually printed this.

  49. Anonymous20/9/08

    Sarah symbolizes the word "change" and "hope"

    I like her BOLD style and it's time for "CHANGE" where women are in control.

    visit my here for all things Sarah Palin


  50. Anonymous20/9/08


    go sarah go

  51. Anonymous21/9/08

    There's a rusty Camaro on concrete blocks out on the lawn, too.

  52. I think I am the only person who likes Sarah but her office- YUCK!

  53. I would never think such a person -a person who is against so many beliefs I have- existed. One of those beliefs being "not imposing your thoughts on other people".

    ps: This room is gross on so many levels. I'd rather not lounge on a bear carcass.

  54. now that's just creepy.

  55. It's as ugly as she is.
    And what's up with the shoes?
    How can Cindy McCain stand to be in any room with her?

  56. Anonymous29/9/08

    PEOPLE!! THIS is a FAKE photo! Get real!

    What's up with Obama's purple lips?

  57. Anonymous1/10/08

    Photo shouldn't be fake. NY Times would be in trouble if it was...

    Home Design Ideas

  58. Anonymous4/10/08

    This would not be my first choice for decor, but I must admit that I enjoy how eccentric it is. It is the kind of thing that makes me chuckle...when people do whatever they want, no matter how crazy it is.

  59. Anonymous9/10/08

    Sarah Pain is souless. Sorry apologists, the photo is real, that's been proven. Her father gave her the pelt.

  60. Breathless... For a fashion industry person that I am, the shoes are the least of "what is wrong with this picture". What a tremendous amount of negative energy this room must bring out with all those corpses laying here and there!

  61. Anonymous18/10/08

    Tacky decor. The shoes look way too casual and mismatched for the outfit. The sofa needs to be reupholstered and coordinating pillows would be nice. Glass table-top is ugly. I haven't seen a lot of bear pelts before, but the fringe along the bottom looks bad. Again, why wouldn't you put it on a wall to showcase it instead of along with a bunch of random things on an ugly sofa? (Not that bear pelts are my thing, but I'd do that with a really nice tapestry, for instance). The crab was the only thing that seemed placed there for effect that enhanced the image.

    Aside: why do people keep saying Palin's hot? She's better than average looking for her age that's all. People saying it over and over reminds me of the ho-hum looking cheerleaders at my high school that got called hot simply bc they were cheerleaders. Mysteries never cease...

  62. Which one is Sarah Palin?

  63. Okay so maybe the photo is a fake - I still think she has a lot on the ball - she clearly does not fit the mainstream media mold - and who cares! So back to the photo - for all those who love the crab and bear combo -- umm - don't go looking in your latest issue of the Gorsuch catalog for any of the things in the picture -- -- here (if the pic is real) it at least shows she is able to relate to the people of Alaska and is showing that in a public space she can display items that do represent a large portion of Alaskan culture and that she did not go shopping in a catalog to achieve the look.


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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