
Amazing Juggling

Just to let you all know that I am still here and that I appreciate all your comments and support in my last "Moving Day" post. I am moved in but my life is daily an amazing juggling act. I wish I could do it with the panache of this Video. I shoud be back posting very soon. Enjoy this video.


  1. Hey there! We all miss you. Come back soon. That photo of you on the sidebar is really great.

  2. Hi Liberty
    Thanks for your comment. I am really missing all of you. My move and finishing the renovation has been taking every nano second of my time. More to come......

  3. Patricia, I've been away from your blog a while (and just visiting your lovely west coast) but wanted to say I love the new photo of you! Gorgeous!

  4. Hi Terri
    I hope you had a great visit here.
    Good to hear from you. Thanks for the compliment.

  5. Somehow my husband is a master juggler of objects, but I'm the one with the ability to multi-task in real life. Funny how that Y chromosome comes into play, isn't it? I always this how ironic it is that he can juggle tennis balls, but women can juggle life's tasks. God certainly has a sense of humor. ;)

    And yes, we're glad you've come up for air. Take your time. We'll be here when you return.

  6. Hi Franki
    Good comparison..I agree men are so good at sports and anything to do with balls, and women are good at juggling a million life's tasks all at once.


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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