
Brunschwig & Fils

I just got my Brunschwig & Fils Fall Advertising package in the mail today and it is, as always, gorgeously illustrated. I was quite interested to see 3 themes running through the images:
1. Birds
2. Fashion
3. Dogs

Take you pick and tell me what your favourite is. Scroll to the end to see my favourite.
PS The fabrics are beautiful too.

The Winner!!


  1. Anonymous27/9/07

    wow I love it all, really nice post :)

  2. Totally adorable! As with some of your other recent posts there is again the indisputable link between fashion and design. I think they're heading in the right direction. Love the dogs.

  3. Hi Jackie
    Aren't the dogs adorable. I want an outfit like the last one for my little Nicole. And yes the link between Interior Design & Fashion
    are becoming more closely intertwined.

  4. Anonymous28/9/07

    Great post. To me, interior design and fashion have always echoed eachother in some way, shape or form but it's interesting how companies are finally now linkin the two together.

  5. These are great! I love the last dog photo! The fabrics are nice too! ;-)

  6. I think I agree with you about the winner! Are the bottom two images from the more contemporary line that B&F owns? What's the name of it?

  7. I had not seen all of these yet. Way to go B & F! The pattern upon which the dog is sitting is fab too--a fresh take on bargello.

  8. Hi Peak
    The bottom two images are from the Kirk Brummel line.

  9. Hi BA
    I like the "bargello" also and I think it is brillant how they paired it with the dog...very fresh indeed.

  10. Anonymous28/9/07

    Wow! These photos are stunning! I love the fabric designs. We're also working on our own line of Dabbieri fabrics. We'll keep you posted!


  11. I love the 1st photo, it is a modern Princess and the Pea!

  12. OULA LA ! this new fall collection of Brunschwig are to die for ...gorgeous.
    I love your post

  13. What beautiful images. Love that first one, esp!

  14. I love the dogs. Our company is named after dogs: 2 chinese sharpei dogs, Bridget and Beari

  15. Patricia, these are fabulous. Brilliant Asylum said everything I was thinking :)

  16. Heh heh heh - I too am partial to doggies, but for some reason the second image is so peacefully beautiful! It reminds me of an Audubon print.

    I have a deep passion for fabrics and some fabric companies have the best advertising ever - Brunschwig is one of them, along with Osborne & Little, and Kravet.

    Thanks for the eye candy!!

  17. Anonymous1/10/07

    Beautiful fabrics, beautiful photos and great dogs!


  18. Great post, he is pretty cute! I think I like the bird design most - 2nd image.

  19. I love the Frenchie esp. Hope you moving is going well Patricia!!


  20. swinging from the chandelier in a tulle party dress? hands down my favorite. what a great campaign! i might have to call them up and get my own copy of this catalog!


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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