
French Pink

I found this wonderful blog by Melanie who lives in France and has a shop in Provence "LE PETIT CABINET DE CURIOSITES" I love all things French and I was fortunate to have studied Architecture in Paris and Interior Design at Le musée des Arts décoratifs through the Parsons School of Design. However you will have to bear with me on the translations, as my French is a little rusty. I was captivated by the charm of Milani's shop and the pink caught my eye as I have been seeing this color becoming quite popular in North American Interior Design. But in France it has always been in Vogue, particularly since the reign of Louis XIV and his wife Marie Antoinette. Milani's father is an Upholster Extraordinaire. In France it is a noble profession and one that requires schooling and proper apprenticeship under a master. I will do a further posting on Melanie's Father's work which is quite incredible.
The entry to the shop - L'entrée de mon magasin en étage. I love the pink stairs and the geometric design in the floor tile. Notice the brass ball finial on the balustrade.

a small "chauffeuse" (fireside chair) and a "commode" (chest of drawers)

Modern Ambience: Murano glass lamp, Plexiglass console, Designer Guild wallpaper

Pierre Frey cushion, Architectural Element lamp, Linen and organza tablecloth . I love this whole tablescape!
Poteries Ravel & une " duchesse brisée " de jardin en fer forgé 1900

dans un coin du salon , un endroit propice à la prière .... prie dieu en noyer XIX , pelochon en issus vintage et cadre ...
A collection of 19th century frames

After I had done this posting I got this lovely gift from Melanie:

Thank-you Melanie


  1. I LOVE THIS NOTE. ..It is natural it is about me . I'm kidding , I'm very proud that you write a note about us .
    thank you

  2. I am learning so much from your blog, and from some of the other design blogs! I had turned away from French style, but I am slowly turning back to it and seeing it with a fresh perspective...great post!

  3. This is such a great post! I'm going to her site to visit. I LOVE her comment! She sounds like she has a great sense of humor. That's hard to translate, but it does.


  4. Patricia,
    I was, as they say,"all over" this post. Melanie's photos are beautiful! No one can argue with the fact that the French celebrate color and have a distinct gift for style that is rarely matched. Being in France never fails to put me on a sort of "aesthetic high".
    Pink is by far my favorite color. I keep trying to expand my horizons more and do paintings in varied colors, but it seems like I am always magnetized toward anything in this hue. Maybe my mom programmed me for this when she decorated my nursery exclusively in pink?? It's an addiction for certain - look for my post tomorrow! As always, thank you for brightening my day with beautiful things.

  5. I am totally digging that pink at the moment too - I just bought a stunning trench coat that colour(even though its summer here and very rarely cold enough to wear a jacket in Hong Kong) - I just had to have it. Unfortunately I think my husband would draw the line at me putting it on something in the apartment. I'll keep trying though...

  6. What beautiful shades of pink - one of my all time favorite colors - but at times hard to work with. It has been such a boon for the design trade to have an influx of pink hued products come on the market. You can see it now in every possible tone. Just as it is shown so well in these lovely photos. Tres Chic - Apologies, my french sucks!

  7. Oh, all this pink is almost edible! So alive! Thanks for the link - lots of inspiration here!

  8. Patricia, your post reminded me of a book I recently picked up at the bibliotheque called The Fabric Style Book by Carl J. Dellatore. (hehe, it was one of the few French words I remembered.) Carl takes the same peice of furniture and upholsters it with different fabrics to show off the amazing effects. All the pictures in the book had me drooling over the phenomenal upholstering. Truly it is an art.

  9. Stunning photos (and items!). She has quite an eye! Thank you for sharing :)

  10. Hi Melanie
    Thanks for your inspiration and thank-you for the beautiful flower.
    Your English is so good, you put me to shame. I wish my French was as good.

  11. Hi Sarah
    I am so glad that you are coming back to French Style. It is so timeless and classic.

  12. Hi Cote
    Melanie does have a great sense of humour that comes through despite the language difference.

  13. Hi Annechovie
    I am glad you liked this post and
    don't fight it....if you like Pink
    go for it. And I agree with you that the French have a gift for style. I think they are born with it.

  14. Hi Suzy
    Your pink trench coat sounds wonderful. I like the color pink because it is such a fun, happy color.

  15. Hi Jackie
    I think Pink is a lot of people's favourite color, but for some reason it has had a bad rap...so I am glad that we are looking at pink in a new way now. Thanks for your comment

  16. Hi Terri
    I love how you describe pink as "edible and alive". Great comment. Thanks

  17. Hi B Lush
    Thanks for the tip on the book.
    I have added to my "have to have"

  18. Hi Peak
    Thanks for your comment....yes she does have quite an eye. So French.

  19. Oh, this shop looks so beautiful! I am going to loo at her site now! Thanks for posting this!


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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