
Yellow Chic

Imperial Trellis Fabric - Kelly Wearstler


Victoria Hagan

Domino Magazine

Purple Area

Pieces Inc

HollyHock LA

wallpaper by Quadrille Lyford Trellis

I have long had a fixation with the color yellow, although I haven't used it much lately in my Interior Design projects I am always inspired by it. I need to change and use it more because I love it. Color researchers believe the color Yellow to increase self-esteem and strengthen the overall well-being. Yellow wakes up a room like the rising sun, it is cheerful and uplifting. I also find it to be a very CHIC color and am always attracted to it. It is supposed to have the longest memory retention of any color. So I used to use it when I did show suites. I would put yellow flowers or yellow pictures in the home so if people were looking at a lot of projects, mine would be remembered. It is also a good color to paint your house when you are wanting to sell it.....because yellow houses sell faster. Also yellow cars have fewer accidents.

Some yellow facts from the web:

Hope and Happiness: Yellow is sunshine. It is a warm color that, like red, has conflicting symbolism. On the one hand it denotes happiness and joy but on the other hand yellow is the color of cowardice and deceit.

Nature of Yellow: Yellow is one of the warm colors. Because of the high visibility of bright yellow, it is often used for hazard signs and some emergency vehicles. Yellow is cheerful.

Culture of Yellow: For years yellow ribbons were worn as a sign of hope as women waited from their men to come marching home from war. Today, they are still used to welcome home loved ones. Its use for hazard signs creates an association between yellow and danger, although not quite as dangerous as red. If someone is yellow it means they are a coward so yellow can have a negative meaning in some cultures.
Yellow is for mourning in Egypt and actors of the Middle Ages wore yellow to signify the dead. Yet yellow has also represented courage (Japan), merchants (India), and peace.

Language of Yellow:
The use of yellow in familiar phrases can help a designer see how their color of choice might be perceived by others, both the positive and negative aspects.

Good yellow

Yellow ribbon - hope, support, remembrance
Mellow yellow - laid back, relaxation Bad yellow
Yellow or Yellow streak or Yellow-bellied - cowardice or coward
Yellow journalism - irresponsible reporting

Yellow Words:
These words are synonymous with yellow or represent various shades of the color yellow.
Lemon, yellow ocher, golden, saffron, cream, topaz, mellow yellow.
Click here to see other posts on Color


  1. I am always scared to use yellow, however when it is done correctly it sure makes a statement...and it's definately in vogue with everything these days.

    BTW I love your blog. I know it takes some time and effort, so I just wanted you to know someone else appreciates it too.

    (And just because if you're anything like me you're probably curious who this stranger is...well I am an interior designer here in Vancouver. I just moved here at the end of last year. So farm I'm loving it. I live in Yaletown, so what is not to love? I am a senior designer at a large commercial design firm, however my passion and past experience is almost exclusively in hospitality design. I love Kelly Wearstler too!)

    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Dale
    Thanks for the comment for for visiting my Blog. Welcome to Vancouver.
    Yellow is a great color to use in Vancouver, especially for our rainy winters. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see on my Blog, please let me know.
    Kind Regards

  3. Hi, Patricia-

    I was wondering if you could give me a little info about that very last picture with the yellow painting. Do you know the designer or any more information on it?

    Thank you,


  4. Hi Katie
    I don't have anymore information on the last picuture. It was gotten from the Flickr site.

  5. Dear Patricia - ahh I see you are a yellow fan - no wonder you liked the Kelly Wearstler post :-)

    I just want to thank you for linking me - I'm very chuffed and rather honored to be added to your blog roll.

    I enjoy your blog very much and the thing I like about it is I always learn something when I'm here:-)

    Have a lovely Christmas and see you again soon!

  6. Hey there Patricia

    I used to love yellow as a child and everything was yellow, believe me. I just never thought that I would ever love yellow again until I saw this post. The use of it in these rooms is just beautiful, I think that I am falling in love with yellow all over again thanks to you.


Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

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